Onshore and offshore seismic refraction and UMASW in static mode

Tipo de intervención: Onshore & Offshore
RINA - D'Appolonia
Onshore and offshore seismic refraction and UMASW in static mode

The objective of the marine seismic campaign is to provide information about the P and S wave velocities of the local geology along the route of the pipeline.
Depth investigation between 30 and 50 meters.
About 1 km of measurements in static mode has been acquired and processed

  • Onshore seismic refraction
  • Onshore seismic surface wave (MASW)
  • Offshore seismic refraction (MSR)
  • Offshore seismic surface wave (UMASW).
  • Static approach (equipment laid on the seabed)
  • Landfall pipeline
  • Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD)